Saturday 9: Bad Day

1. Is there anything that you tend to do to cheer up when you are having a bad day?
Listen to music or watch movies.  It also depends on what caused the day to be bad.
2.What’s the last card game you played, and with whom did you play?
Probably Phase 10 with Misti and it was probably over a year ago that we played it.
3.What’s the last board game you played, and with whom did you play?
I can’t even remember because I don’t play board games.  I am too competitive and get mad if I lose so it is better if I just don’t even try and play one.
4.What’s the last computer game you played, and with whom did you play?
The last multi-player game I played was probably WOW( World Of Warcraft) and I played it with my brother.
5.Is there somewhere you’d like to visit but have not, and where is it?
There are tons of places I want to visit. I want to see the world and go anywhere and everywhere before I die.
6.Think of your favorite movie (or a movie you really like, if you can’t think of a favorite). Some people say that the reasons you love your favorite movie are related to what you value in romantic relationships. How is this true or untrue in your case?
My favorite movie is Liar Liar and that isn’t the most romantic movie out there but I am so not like them because I am never going to get back with my ex!
7.What physical attributes do you find the most attractive?
I don’t think I have a type of guy but grandma says that I like guys that have the Charlie Brown head.  Other than that I can’t really think of things that I am super attracted too.
8.How many people live in your house? Tell us about them.
There are 4 people and 3 cats.  There is my grandpa, grandma and my little brother.  I am only home at night and on the weekends but even when I am home I am almost always reading, messing around on the internet and/or watching TV.
9. Ever punch someone in the face?
No I haven’t but there have been time that I really want to punch people in the face.

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